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9 Foods That Make You Feel Super Energized All Day

By Marina Costa | updated 11 days ago 

Add These Habits to Your Daily Routine to Boost Happiness Levels

If you've ever tried to break a bad habit, you know how well engrained they can become.

But did you know good habits can become deeply engrained too? It's never too late to start making positive habits part of your daily routine.

Even though we each have our own individual idea of what makes us happy, living a happier and more satisfied life is a universal desire. And the good news is, it's something that's within reach for each and every one of us.

Below we're taking a look at not only daily, but monthly and yearly habits you can consider implementing into your routine.

If any of the following don't fit your particular lifestyle, feel free to skip over them. Remember, this is a process of self-discovery, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for everyone.

1. Build a healthy self-image

How many times have you caught yourself saying something negative about yourself when something doesn't go right? This could even be something as simple as making a small mistake and calling yourself names.It may seem harmless, but negative self-talk has a cumulative effect over time. The mind learns through repetition and the more we speak negatively about ourselves, our brain will accept it as truth.The next time you're tempted to say something negative about yourself in the moment, immediately replace what you said with a positive statement about yourself. Even simple gestures giving yourself a high five in the mirror after you wake up with a positive affirmation can do wonders for your self-esteem over time.

2. Exercise

Exercise is just as much for the mind as it is for the body. Not only does regular exercise reduce stress and feelings of anxiety, but it boost self-esteem and elevate the feelings we associate with being happy. You don't have to be an Olympic-level athlete to enjoy these benefits. Even small amounts of exercise can make a difference. It's advised to slowly ease into a routine that's sustainable and enjoyable, rather than over-exerting yourself. Try taking a walk around the block, signing up for a beginner's class at a local fitness facility and begin your day with a short meditation and stretching routine.

3. Get plenty of sleep

On average, most adults function best on at least 7 hours of sleep per night. If you catch yourself fighting an urge to nap or feel like you're stuck in a fog, your body may be trying to tell you that it needs more rest.

No matter how much society or the workplace steers us toward accepting less sleep, it's been shown time and time again that sleep is vital to our brain function, our emotional wellbeing and our overall health. Getting adequate levels of sleep also reduces the risk of developing chronic illness. 

Try the following recommendations to build a better sleep routine starting today:

• Balance your circadian rhythm by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including weekends.
• Activate evening vision comfort settings on your devices
• Cease exposure to blue or white lighting in evening hours
• Write down how many hours of sleep you're getting and how rested your body feels.
• Track sleeping patterns with an app and see if there are any specific triggers.
• Limit naps to 20 minutes per day and avoid late night snacks before bedtime.
• Invest in good bedding with a mattress that doesn't leave you with a sore back in the morning.

4. Eat with your mood in mind

Food choices can have a massive impact on your overall physical health and sense of wellbeing. The foods listed below all have been demonstrated to have strong effects on your state of mind.

• Omega-3 fatty acids in fish (ex. Salmon) have demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects that can extend to the brain. For those that can't or don't prefer to eat fish, supplementation is a good option.

• Protein-rich foods like lean meats, legumes and poultry can boost energy levels and concentration due to their role in the production of dopamine and norepinephrine.

• Carbohydrates release serotonin, often considered the "feel good" hormone. Complex carbohydrates including vegetables, beans and whole grains are a great source as they can help you avoid crashing, unlike simple carbs that can quickly spike blood sugar levels and leave you feeling drowsy and lethargic.

: Just these few changes alone can start making a world of difference in your daily life. After trying them, you may be fast on your way to more energy, better moods and an elevated sense of reward knowing that simple modifications to your daily routine can reap major rewards.

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