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9 Foods That Make You Feel Super Energized All Day

By Carol Fisher | updated 6 days ago 

5 Simple Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth at Home

According to a recent survey, 80% of American adults between the ages of 18-49 want whiter teeth, spending over $1.7 billion on at-home whitening products in 2022.

While there are plenty of products to choose from when it comes to teeth whitening, what options can we all try from home to save money?

It's important to remember that we need to exercise caution when approaching teeth-whitening products, because some have the potential to remove enamel and cause sensitivity and cavities.

Considering the options for yellowing teeth

It's advised that you first begin by doing some experimentation rotating treatments over the course of a week to two weeks. Not every recommendation below has enough substantiated research done to support the method, but each of them have been shown to be effective in anecdotal reports.

The first option should come as no surprise to many, and that's simply to...

1. Brush more often

If brushing on a schedule is something you slack on, consider doing it especially after consuming drinks or foods that are known for discoloration, with dark coffee coming in at first place.

Try brushing your teeth at least twice per day in a gentle, circular motion. Don't skip over any of those cracks and crevices. Using a whitening toothpaste has been shown to whiten your smile, due to the inclusion of mild abrasives that scrub the teeth to remove stains on the surface, all while still being gentle enough to be safe.

2. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

Have you ever wondered why these two options come up over and over again? It's because they're effective.

Not only are they safe, but they've been shown to be options that can be used daily for extended periods of time when used in the right quantities.

Try mixing a single tablespoon of baking soda along with 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to form a paste. After you're finished, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water aftewards. If you'd like, you can even try mixing in more water if you find the mixture too abrasive.

Expect to see noticeable improvements in as little as 6 weeks.

3. Apple cider vinegar

ACV is effective, but should be used in very small amounts to whiten your teeth.

You can try making a mouthwash with 2 teaspoons (not tablespoons) of ACV, mixing it with 6 ounces of water. Swish it around for 30 seconds, then rinse with water and brush your teeth.

Please note: ACV has the potential to cause damage to the surface and hardness of your teeth. Use it sparingly and for short amounts of time for the best effect.

4. Oil pulling

While there aren't any official studies to reference on the efficacy of oil-pulling, many people swear by it.

Organic coconut oil is credited with removing bacteria and plaque inside the mouth, which can help reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth that can contribute to discoloration.

Try swishing 1 to 2 teaspoons for anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes. When you're finished, gently spit the mixture back into the sink as we don't want to consume the bacteria.

While further studies are required, oil pulling is a good practice to implement into your oral care routine.

5. Activated charcoal

Due to activated charcoal being highly absorbent, it's believed that it actually removes stains and pigments from your teeth.

Many toothpastes now contain charcoal due to it becoming one of the more accepted and gentle forms of teeth whitening.

To get started, open a capsule of activated charcoal and spread it on the bristles of your toothbrush. Be especially careful in the areas around your gums, as it can be quite abrasive. Gently brush in circles for around two minutes, then spit it out.

For people with more sensitive teeth, you can even try dabbing it on your teeth instead.

While results can be seen in less than 4 weeks, many people say its' not as effective than the more popular options listed at the start of this article.

So what causes yellow teeth? It's been documented that certain foods and drinks may be some of the main culprits, along with diets high in sugar/carbohydrates and smoking or chewing tobacco. Yellowing teeth is also widely accepted as being part of the natural aging process as well.

: There's all kinds of great options for at-home teeth whitening products. We would like to advise that you exercise caution however, as it is actually possible to damage the enamel or gums.

If you've tried all of these methods and still haven't had success, we recommend reaching out to a dentist who may have suggestions for more options you can try.

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